From Downstream, passing by Mid-Downstream, to Upstream, we provide comprehensive services that incorporates sustainability into all its business areas. Libyan Petroleum was launched to grow and build a future that respects people, societies and the environment.
learn more Our SolutionWe are committed to a set of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) which are imbedded in our policies that guides our strategic decisions and operations. We make sure that our activities consider the effect on the environmental, economic and social goals for the project, and its affected communities.
learn more Our SolutionWe integrate Quality Management Systems (QMS) and Operations Excellence Management Systems (OEMS) in our operations to achieve highest levels of quality, performance and efficiency in our services and products. These systems are part our continuous improvement strategy in all aspects of our activities.
learn more Our SolutionWe provide a variety of services and products to the oil and gas sector, and bring together the experience and breadth of services and products from our experienced local team and global partners.
We help our customers improve and add value to their products or services though long lasting and mutually awarding relationships.
To be recognized as the leading petroleum company in Libya through growth, superior performance, and sustainable development in our services and products while adhering to the highest standards of business conduct.
Our culture is driven by respectand integrity, promotes collaboration and communication among all members of its society, embraces a sustainable growth mindset, encourages and rewards informed risk taking, and achieve commitments with exceptional performance that considers all stakeholders.
To provide our customers with the best quality of products and services while achieving harmonious and sustainable development, and acting in a socially responsible and ethical manner.